My work as a Supervisor
I have been supervising the work of other psychotherapists and counsellors since 2001. I was awarded a Post Graduate level Diploma in Clinical Supervision by the Whittington Hospital School of Counselling and Psychotherapy in 2000. For twelve years I supervised a team of counsellors and psychotherapists from a local NHS trust and I now work with a number of trainee therapists and individuals from voluntary sector organisations. I am a Primary Supervisor for the Integrative Psychotherapy Training at the Metanoia Institute in London and I am on the UKCP Supervisors Register.
I am very interested in those aspects of therapeutic practice that are held in common across theoretical divides, and thinking about what it is that is essentially therapeutic in the work that we do. I have considerable experience of being supervised by psychoanalytic as well as humanistic therapists and have found the experience invariably enriching. My own post-qualification psychoanalytic therapy has also proved invaluable in informing my rather ecumenical view of modern psychotherapeutic practice.
The gap between past and future opens only in reflection, whose subject matter is what is absent, either what has already disappeared, or what has not yet appeared. Reflection draws these 'absent' regions into the mind's presence; from that perspective the activity of thinking can be understood as a battle with time itself.
Hannah Arendt
Historian and Political Philosopher