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I have been working with people in private practice since 1992 when I started my first training as a counsellor.

I have always maintained my private practice alongside other work. This included a seven year period between 2001 and 2008 working in the NHS as a clinician and manager of a primary care GP counselling service in Newham, east London. Between 2004 and 2016 I developed my interest in primary care mental health in my role as clinical supervisor for a team of GP-based counsellors and therapists working for a local NHS Trust. I am also interested in supporting GPs and the psychological work that they do with their patients and to this end I run Balint groups for GPs and, latterly, for medical students at St George's Medical School in London - go ☞ here to read more about my Balint group leader work.


Prior to my work in Newham I worked for many years in the voluntary sector: at London Lighthouse in Ladbrook Grove, coordinating volunteer support for people with HIV/AIDS living independently in the community, and at The Red Admiral Project, a dedicated counselling centre for all those affected by HIV/AIDS, at the time, in Earls Court. 

Before retraining I had a successful career in IT and worked as a systems analyst and software engineer for large blue-chip companies in London. I continue to keep abreast of developments in IT and technology.

Training, accreditation and memberships

Following counselling training I began my psychotherapy training in 1995 at the Metanoia Institute in West London where I was awarded my Diploma in Gestalt Psychotherapy in 2001. At the same time I graduated from the University of Middlesex with a Masters degree in Gestalt Psychotherapy. I was awarded a post-graduate level Diploma in Clinical Supervision by the Whittington Hospital School of Counselling & Psychotherapy in 2000. I am a Graduate Member of the Gestalt Psychotherapy and Training Institute (GPTI) and registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), both as a psychotherapist and clinical supervisor. I am a member of the 

Irish Forum for Counselling & Psychotherapy and an accredited member of the Balint Society UK.


I continue to attend my own on-going, regular supervision with 

senior colleagues and maintain and develop my practice through various activities broadly described by the term Continuing Professional 


You will find listings for me on the counselling-directory and sites.


A man simply does not live, he is lived, and not simply

William Saroyan (1908 - 1981)


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